Advisory Board

The FDM-SH Advisory Board is the strategic steering committee of the FDM-SH State Initiative. Through its function and composition, the Advisory Board ensures that the activities of FDM-SH are sustainable and of high quality, while prioritizing and adequately addressing the needs of research institutions in Schleswig-Holstein. According to the bylaws of the State Initiative, the FDM-SH Advisory Board consists of seven voting members who represent the universities and research institutions in Schleswig-Holstein, the network institutions of the State Initiative, and other individuals with expertise in research data management (RDM).

With the inaugural meeting of the Advisory Board on February 20, 2024, the committee commenced its work for the next five years. The committee is accompanied by political representatives from the fields of science and digitalization in Schleswig-Holstein, who are invited as permanent guests to the meetings. Currently, these positions are held by one representative each from the State Chancellery and the Ministry of General and Vocational Education, Science, Research, and Culture of Schleswig-Holstein.

The current members of the FDM-SH Advisory Board are:

Representation of the Universities in Schleswig-Holstein (Deputy Chair, FDM-SH Advisory Board)
Prof. Dr. Catherine Cleophas Kiel University, Vice President for Digital Transformation, Equality and Diversity
Representation of the Universities of Applied Scienes in Schleswig-Holstein
Prof. Dr. Monique Janneck TH Lübeck, Deputy Head of Competence Centre CoSA
Prof. Dr. Horst Hellbrück TH Lübeck, Head of Competence Centre CoSA
Representation of the Non-University Research Institutions in Schleswig-Holstein (Chair, FDM-SH Advisory Board)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Tochtermann ZBW, Direktion
Representation of the Working Group of IT Managers of Universities and Scientific Institutions in Schleswig-Holstein (ITSH-edu)
Dr. Holger Marten Kiel University, Head of University Computing Centre
Representative of the Advisory Board for Academic Libraries at the Ministry of General and Vocational Education, Science, Research and Culture (MBWFK) of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
Arne Klemenz Kiel University, Deputy Director of the University Library
Distinguished National RDM Expert
Distinguished International RDM Expert
Permanent Guests
Dr. Jörg Nickel Staatskanzlei des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Referatsleitung Digitaler Wandel
Dr. Andreas Techen Ministerium für Allgemeine und Berufliche Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Referent für Wissenschaftsstatistik und Hochschuldigitalisierung