Interest Groups and Working Groups of FDM-SH

This page provides an overview of the interest groups (IG) and working groups (WG) of the State Initiative FDM-SH.

If you are a member of a university or research institution in Schleswig-Holstein and are interested in participating in a discussion within an IG or contributing to a working group, you can contact the spokespersons of the IG/WG or the FDM-SH Office directly at

WG Competence Development

The working group competence development aims to meet the increasing demand for targeted training in the handling of research data in Schleswig-Holstein. It therefore promotes the networking of RDM multipliers, cross-institutional exchange on the topic of skills development and awareness of the sustainable handling of research data.


WG Publishing and Archiving

The Working Group Publishing and Archiving (WG PaA) aims to support existing efforts within the state to create centralised and decentralised services for the storage and publication of research data. It works closely with the working group of IT managers at universities and research institutions in Schleswig-Holstein (ITSH-edu) and promotes networking and exchange on the subject in terms of both technology and content.



The members of IG OMICS discuss their needs and experiences in research data management for molecular biological data. The focus is on institutional core facilities or shared device infrastructures and data types such as genome and transcriptome sequencing data as well as image data from microscopy and other biological imaging methods. In addition to RDM systems such as FAIDOM-SEEK and OMERO, interoperable data standards and the use of electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN) will also be addressed.


IG Policy

(in foundation)

The interest group Policy promotes the exchange of experience on the formulation and establishment of policies (e. g. on the handling of research data or the DFG Code of Conduct ‘Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice’). Based on best practices from universities and research institutions in Schleswig-Holstein, participation processes and legal framework conditions, for example, will be examined in more detail.


  • To be announced