
Our project organisation ensures that we can establish long-term and stable project structures while also maintaining the flexibility to respond to current developments in the field of Research Data Management (RDM). To achieve this, we have:

  • FDM-SH Office as a permanent coordination and contact point,
  • FDM-SH Advisory Board as a regularly convened expert committee,
  • FDM-SH Community as the organised group of RDM participants in the region,
  • FDM-SH Working Groups as proactive, topic-specific collaborations within the FDM-SH Community, and
  • FDM-SH Projects as time-limited efforts for addressing and implementing specific thematic concerns.
Overview of the FDM-SH Governance. Image by Esther Thelen.
Overview of the FDM-SH Governance. Image by Esther Thelen.